Monday, May 9, 2022


  Toward the end of November in 2017, our church's seniors went to Biltmore House and Gardens outside Asheville, NC.  I had been before, but never seeing it decorated for Christmas.  The tree out front and the decorations inside were amazing.  It was a cold and overcast day.

 When we got inside for the tour, the first thing was a place to have your picture taken.  Of course, it cost money to do that, but I wanted a good picture of myself.  I usually don't take a good picture, but this one was better than most.  I had brought my camera, and it used a flash.  I started taking pictures inside, and I got in trouble for using a flash.  So, I had to use my phone for pictures, which were not near as good.  When I got to the library room, I made mention of the fact that one of my favorite films was shot in the library.  It was "Being There" starring Peter Sellers.  Apparently, the guide had not seen that film, but he did say that a horror film had been shot in Biltmore.  It was weird being in the same room that Peter Sellers, Jack Warden and Melvyn Douglas had filmed a scene in.  That film used much of the interiors and grounds of Biltmore.  

 Because it was so cold of our visit, I had put on four layers of clothes.  The inside of the house was very warm.  All of the walking between floors, and the many people in the house, was causing me to sweat profusely.  Toward the end of the tour, I thought I was going to pass out.  I got outside in the cold and found a place selling bottled water.  I sat in the cold and got back to normal.  And then, I walked around some of the gardens and saw some of the other places the film was shot.  I really enjoyed that.  If you get a chance to see "Being There", I highly recommend it.  I loved the book, too.  I read it as a student at PC.  It goes to show how gullible the media can be, and how opinion can be swayed by the media in the wrong direction.  

 We left Biltmore in the late afternoon and headed back to Columbia.  I should note that an ancestor of mine helped build the house way back when.  I hope they paid well, because that would have been a serious job.  

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