Monday, December 20, 2021


 The Progressive Network was having a luncheon in early April 2015, and the MTRA was invited to come and be recognized for our work in getting better bus routes and schedules for the riders.  Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont was giving the keynote speech at the luncheon.  It was a cold day, but he probably thought it was warm.  Weather is relative, depending on what part of the country you are from.
 When it came time for our recognition, Bernie hadn't gotten there.  He was running late.  We stood up to the applause of those in the room.  Some gave us a standing ovation.  I kind of wished Bernie had been there.  Just after we sat down, Bernie and his wife walked into the room.  Maybe our standing ovation was really for him.  As you may know, I am a political junkie.  I love being around political figures, even if I may not agree with everything they say.  
 Bernie got up to speak.  He spoke on many things.  After each subject, he would ask the crowd if we thought he should run for President.  He hadn't announced yet.  Many of the folks in the audience would yell out yes.  It was more like a campaign rally than a speech honoring the folks in the room that had made a difference.  Even though he hadn't announced, it was obvious to me that he would soon.  A couple of weeks later, he announced that he would run for President.  He got a boost that day at the luncheon.  
 The MTRA bylaws state that we can't officially endorse a candidate for office.  It is one of those things in the regulations for non-profits.  If one does, they are at risk of losing their non-profit status.  The IRS doesn't allow it, if it is brought to their attention.  I went away that day liking some of his proposals, but not all.  One thing that you have to watch out about politicians is that they make promises that there is no way they can keep.  It may be too expensive to do, or it goes against the beliefs of the majority of voters.  It may sound good, but implementation is a whole other ballgame.  2015-16 would be my opportunity to see and hear a bunch of candidates.  I was in hog heaven.

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