Monday, February 17, 2025


  My mother had a great sense of humor.  She loved Monty Python and George Carlin, until he started getting dirty.  Much of her humor was imparted on me.  It was our way of getting through our days.  I would sit in my highchair and read funny books to her, while she was cooking.  I should point out that they kept my highchair after I had outgrown it, but I could still fit into it. 

 People, who knew my mother, didn't know that she liked to play practical jokes on us for April Fool's Day.  For me, it was always the same thing...she would wake me up announcing that it was snowing outside.  I would get excited and look outside to see it was a bright sunny day.  So, I would have school that day.  She would laugh, but I would be disappointed.  As time went on, that day would come, and she would say it was snowing.  I would humor her by looking outside to see a sunny day.  She and I would laugh, and I would go to school.

 When I got to high school, her waking me up on April 1st to say it was snowing was getting rather tedious.  When I was young, it was funny, but now not so much.  That day came, and she woke me up to say it was snowing.  I didn't want to play along anymore, so I said "Yeah, right" and tried to go back to sleep.  "No, really, it's snowing", she said.  After a little back and forth, I finally broke and looked out the window just to get this over with.  To my shock, it really was snowing.  There would be no school.  She laughed at my doubting her.  Never doubt what your mother says, even though you think there is no way it could snow on April 1st.  It did.


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