I was not the most coordinated kid growing up. I got picked last for all games in school. I would try to do good, and sometimes I would do better than was expected, but I would always be picked last. Even when I did get picked, the looks on the faces of the other players showed disappointment. I have already shared about getting coal in my knee from a fall. I fell a lot.
In 4th grade, I was playing football with some of the neighborhood kids. I fell and broke my thumb. It was on a Sunday, and the break was on my right hand. The hand with which I write. So, they took me to the hospital that afternoon. While we were sitting in the hallway to be seen, a man came in covered in blood from head to toe. It seems that he fell into a combine on a farm. It was gross. The doctor set my thumb and put a big cast on my hand. I had to write with my left hand. If people thought I had bad handwriting before, it got a lot worse. Along about Wednesday, my thumb needed to be reset. This time, I would have to have surgery. They gave me something to knock me out, which caused hallucinations. A 4th grader on something akin to LSD. They put me in a room with another kid, and we talked a lot. When I came back from the recovery room, the other kid wasn't there. When I asked where he was, they told me he was gone. I found out later that he had died during the night.
After I got the cast off, my parents tried to keep me from falling again. Things were okay until the day I fell down the front steps of our house. I injured my right elbow. It wasn't broken, but it was badly bruised. That summer, we went to Lynchburg, VA. Daddy was doing a conference there. I had a sling for my arm, which I just didn't care for that much. During the week there, I developed an abscess on my arm near the elbow, so they took me to the nearest hospital. It wasn't much of a hospital. The doctor told me that he could lance the abscess, but he didn't have any numbing agent, so he gave me a leather belt to bite on. The procedure hurt a lot, and I put teeth marks on the leather. It was like being in the old West. I still have a one-inch scar where the "doctor" worked on me. I think he was a butcher on the side, maybe.
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