I used to hate my physical education class in junior high. For starters, my teacher was a sadist. I don't mean that in a funny way. He loved to punish people for not following his direction. I have already written about the time he told me to bend over and grab my ankles for him to use a fraternity-style paddle on me, after he caught me spitting on a bully. Even though, the bully started spitting on me first.
He would demand that all of the guys take showers after gym class. I didn't want to take community showers with other boys, so when he would walk around the locker room and see me, I would start taking off my clothes and then put them back on after he left. I wasn't the only boy who did that. Since most of the boys taking showers were the bullies, I felt I didn't need to get more abuse there.
One week, we were to do tumbling in the gym. The boys were on one side of the gym, and the girls were on the other side. Due to some unknown reason, I just couldn't do a summersault. I would end up on my head but not able to go all the way over. I tried, but it just wasn't happening. Our teacher wasn't very helpful, and all the boys laughed at me. After several tries, he gave up on me and sent me over to the girls' side. He just wanted to embarrass me further. Thankfully, their teacher was more empathetic towards me. She took her time and showed me how to do it. However, the girls weren't as sympathetic either. Being made fun of by both sexes just wasn't nice. Their teacher was the only one who seemed to care.
So, I began to get sick every Tuesday and Thursday right before gym class. I would go to the school nurse, and she would call my mother to get me. After the second week of getting sick on these two days, my mother asked me why it was at the same time. I told her that it was gym class. She called the principal, and I got an excuse not to do gym class anymore. I would come to class but just sit in the bleachers and watch the others. Of course, this made the bullies want to beat me up more, because I was getting preferential treatment from the school. I got hurt more after school from them.
If that was today, the boys' gym teacher would have been fired. It was a different time.